Friends, was very busy and I found some time to be back to share more....
Friends, I have mentioned that 'Thirukutrala nathar' temple is the 'Chithira Sabhai' and the 5th sabhai of Lord Nataraja in an earlier post. I apologise, as 'Chithra Sabhai' is a separate shrine and is walkable from 'Thirukutrala nathar' temple.
There were many myths associated with 'Chithira Sabhai' ...
1) a siddhar is said to have produced golden roof for the shrine using his 'rasavadham' ( an art through which any normal metal can be transformed into Gold using rare herbs, etc - alchemy) technique during British period. Knowing this, British rulers have tried taking it away and was approaching the shrine. So, the siddhar has drowned all these golden plates in a pond and had made invisible security forces to guard it all through. Pond or the location is unknown to anybody.
2) 'Thirikooda Rasappa Kavirayar' a famous sanga period poet had written number of poems on Thirukutrala nathar. 'Thiri' means 'three', 'kooda' refers to 'adjoining'. From the temple the thirikooda malai (hill) is visible. It is said that sage agasthiyar had been blessed to watch the gracious dance performance of Lord Nataraja from the thirikooda malai into the shrine.
Temple shrine is an amazing shrine with picturesque representation of Lord Nataraja and many forms of him. These paintings were century old herbal paintings and currently renovated and kept in place for visit and worship.


'THIRIKOODA MALAI' from Chithira Sabhai!